
Within this project, the goal is to create an active community of educators who make use of the developed educational resources, exchange experiences and thereby contribute to the maintenance and expansion of the collection of educational resources (sustainability).

First of all, the goal was set to invite educators to talk to each other about their profession: teaching in a nursing program. But how powerful would it be if professionals from the field and students join in. In this way, the community is ultimately open to anyone who feels connected to Bachelor of Nursing.

A community also gives you a sense of belonging and involvement. It is important to offer a combination of face-to-face meetings and online activities. Through face-to-face meetings, people literally see who they can work with or help. This builds trust in each other and forms a bond. This is important when in the community you also expect input from people.

During the flagship project a start was made with setting up a community on a digital platform. During the Together project various activities were set up to create an active community:

  • Ask questions about issues in Nursing Education. These questions were often not related to educational resources.
  • Marketplace: This group is intended for supply and demand: contact other teachers if you are looking for educational resources
  • Working with a teacher from another school to develop educational resources
  • To place an appeal
  • Offer resources that you have developed for reuse
  • Educational resource of the month: every month a community ambassador (rotating among the institutes) nominates a leducational resource that deserves to be put in the picture. This learning resource is highlighted on the home page of the community.
  • Colleagues tip: community ambassadors keep an eye on the community. If there is an interesting message for a colleague who is working on the same lesson content, he or she can simply be tipped by clicking on the envelope (send a tip) in the message.
  • Recently uploaded resources: An RSS feed provides an up to date list of the most recently uploaded resources on Wikiwijs.
  • Social context: For example, the outbreak of COVID-19 has changed the needs of community members. For example, a Blended learning group has now been set up. The new challenges for teachers are creating new questions. It is important to keep the community appropriate to the current needs.
  • Event organized through the community: The Together project has a closing event to reflect and celebrate all that has been achieved. Because of COVID-19 this event had to take place online. For this, the community was used. This way all guests can see what is possible and how meetings can take place in the community.

Examples of interaction in the community.

The choice of platform
To arrive at a choice of platform, a set of requirements was drawn up by the project group. Essential to the success of a professional community is an easily accessible system with the right functionality. The Winkwaves platform met the requirements best. There was already experience with this platform in another project that had been running for 1.5 years at the time of selection.  

The community allows users to set up their own groups with a theme. This way users can choose a topic to talk about/information to share. 
In addition to the above activities aimed at the digital part of the community, activities were also carried out to launch the offline, face-to-face part of the community. For this purpose, we joined the annual HGZO congress in March 2018 and 2019 (unfortunately 2020 has been cancelled due to Covid 19) where the flagship project and project Together was presented and where visitors could engage in discussions with project members and search for educational resources themselves in Wikiwijs, for example.

More information (in Dutch)

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